Friday, January 29, 2010

Random Dozen

I thought I would throw this in today since I have been a bad blogger for a couple weeks now. For more Random Dozen head on over to

1. How good are you at delaying gratification? Not very good, but sometimes you just have to try.

2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting? Right now I would have to Chocolate, but we did have these homemade fried jalepeno poppers the other night and I probably could have eaten them all myself.

3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you? This really depends on the time of the month (tmi I know) but I would probably give myself an 8.

4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.? Not that I can think of right now

5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts? Not usually but sometimes life does take a rushing turn and you just have to.

6. Which line is hardest to wait in? the exchange line after Christmas.

7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth? Well I didn't want to know but my mother did and since she was with me, I left the room when they told her, but who was I kidding, I HAD to know since she knew, my mother couldn't know and not me. But I already knew she was a girl.

8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly? I'm usually a patient person, but if you would ask me a few years ago I would have said children, but now I would probably answer, elderly.

9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present? When I was a child I did, but I have been tempted to unwrap and then rewrap when no one was around but I have not caved, but if there's a rip in the package, I just have to look just to see if I can guess what it is.

10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything? 2 years for a job closer to home.

11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other? I would definatly have to say me, unless of course it's that time of the month then him.

12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)These choices I would say, C, Right here waiting for you, but I do like, While I'm Waiting from the movie Fireproof.

A) Anticipation by Carly Simon
B) The Waiting by Tom Petty
C) Right Here Waiting for You by Richard Marx
D) Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James

Well there you go, I have lost my spell checker somehow, so please forgive any typos. I will have to work on that problem, I need my spell checker.


Friday Update

Wow I can't believe that it has been 2 weeks since I last posted. Time flies, the weather here has been kinda weird. One of our boys (the 8 year old)got hit right in the corner of his eye with a plastic bebe, so that was a trip to the ER but thankfully he is fine and we were in and out in about 2.5 hours which is great for an ER if you ask me. He ended up with just a bruised eyeball so he had to wear a patch and use an antibacterial ointment, but he thought it was cool to look like a pirate. His vision should be fine and I'm happy to report he is back to his sweet little ole self again, thank God.

I am still reading my "read in a year chronological bible", I have to say I really love it. I read an NIV all the way through last year, but this one definatley makes way more sense and did I mention I love it.

Let's see what can I say about the past two weeks, well my uncle had major surgery a week ago yesterday, and the surgery went well, but they are having trouble getting him off the respirator so prayers would be appreciated about that. My mothers family (all her brothers and sisters)flew in for the surgery, from Florida and Nebraska and it was nice to see them all again, but it's weird to see how old we are all getting. They all wanted to be here for their brother and my mother. She is the oldest of them all and she has been through a lot latley, actually for about the past 7 years, that's when my little sister was diagnosed with leukemia and died 6 months later and left her 2 kids to my mother and she is no spring chicken, I wouldn't call 68 that old by today's standards, but I know it has been hard on her. Well they have all gone back home now, but it was nice to visit with them while they were all here, you just never know when the last time you will see someone will be so cherish those family moments as much as you can.

We had a couple snow days within the last 2 weeks, which was fun, but why we had a snow day this past Tuesday, I have no idea. Well we do live in the country so I'm sure some of the back roads where way more slippery that the main ones, but now the kids will have to make up 3 snow days, and winter has just really started around here, we may have school through June, but better safe than sorry.

Well this post has been a little boring, but I figured I better write something before my 2 followers abandon me. I am working on a Five Friday Favrites and I will try to get that up today or else it might just be a Five Saturday Favorites, I hope Susan over at Living to Tell the Story doesn't get upset with me. Well I'm off here for now, God Bless and have a safe trip home or wherever you are going this afternoon.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blog Frog Community

I just signed up for my own Blog Frog Community. I'm already doing better with this blog than I have ever done. Keep visiting and commenting. I would love to hear from you and have you link your blog to mine if you wish. Have a blessed day!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

For more random dozen head on over to

1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave? A whole Hershey chocolate bar, no I didn't cave I just took 2 squares (as I'm patting myself on my back)

2. M & M's or Skittles? MM's

3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through? Yes

4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning? about 10 minutes about 1/2 through a big cup of coffee.

5. Have you ever been on a cruise? If not, would you like to? I have never been on a cruise but I would so love to go someday.

6. Who is your favorite actress? Either Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts

7. ______ is something that I will just never understand. Murder

8. How much of a technology junkie are you? I'm usually a year or so behind on on the modern gadgets and popular things (like blogs, fairly new at this)

9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you? I enjoy making them with my Cricut Cutting Machine.

10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut? 3 months ago, yep, it's defiantly time again (at least that's what the gray hairs are telling me)

11. What do you enjoy shopping for most? Household items, (I'm not really a clothes shopper)

12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house? Do I have my cell phone and my lunch

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I used to consider myself a good prayer warrior, but last year I don't remember praying all that much, I'm ashamed of that fact. Sure I prayed when someone asked me to, or if I needed something but to actually pray daily because that's what Jesus asks us to do, shamefully, I did not. Last year was sort of a weird year, even though I didn't pray much, I still felt like God was with me, I guess you can say I didn't really feel like I was missing much, until I started praying diligently again, man talk about feeling like you were totally disconnected. It kinda felt like, when you talk to an old friend you haven't spoken with for a long time, you know that, "man I can't believe how much I have missed you" kinda feeling, yea that's the one. I realized how much I truly missed Him. So with all that said and done this year I have rededicated myself to daily diligent prayer and I can tell you it already feels good, like we are truly making up for lost time, that Merciful Forgiving Father and I.

Can I offer up a challenge for you? Well OK, if you insist, try it, pray it, whatever you want, just talk with God, everyday diligently even if it's only a week at a time and you will see what you've been missing, because when you finally look back then you will see that one week will turn into a month, then before you know its been a year and you and God are back in touch, it really is a wonderful feeling.

Lord, thank you for loving and forgiving me no matter what. I am truly grateful for endless opportunities you give me to stay in touch with you.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sickness ugh...

Well I have been reading about this sneaky little thing on many of the blogs I read daily, it comes suddenly and it doesn't last but about 24 hours then it's off to it's next victim. The dreaded stomach virus, yes that's what I'm talking about. I was up and down most of the night with our 11 year old with it, first her little brother got it, then Grandma, her, Grandpa now oldest is saying she isn't feeling all that great along with myself and my husband. Hubby and I were talking this morning and we said, "who do you think is going to get it next?" so now we are waiting to find out who the next victim of this nasty little bug will be. But for now I'm off for some coffee to try to stay awake for awhile, I'm getting pretty sleepy right now. But hey ho, so life goes. Prayers would be great though. God Bless!!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Five Friday Favorites

I have never done a FFF before, in fact my blog isn't much of anything yet, but what better way to start the year with trying something new (fff) and improving something older (my blog).
My Five Friday Favorites are as follows:

1. A nice quiet day to myself on Monday, it was the first day back to school for the kids and my last day off work, it was a nice leisurely day of Face book, coffee in my favorite winter mug, movies and I did throw a little laundry in there as well.

2. Diet Swiss Miss Hot Coco, since it's cold and I'm watching my weight it came in real handy more than once this week.

3. It's been really cold here for about 2 weeks and this week we had bitter cold and snow my mother bought me these incredibly warm pj's for Christmas and they are good to lounge around in to. They are fleece and thick and so very comfortable. Don't they look heavenly?

4. The snow. We finally got a measurable amount of snow for around here, about 5". Isn't it pretty.

5. And finally on one of the very cold nights we got in our hot tub. It sounds crazy I know but it's nice when you are in, but not so much when you get out. Good thing it's only about 3 ft from our back door.

There you have it I gave it a try, let's see how it goes. It's not as exciting as some others I have seen, but hey, I'm a blogging beginner.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

If you would like to see more FFF visit,
If I didn't do this right would someone please let me know?


Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Well, here I am again saying I'm going to keep up but not sure how that will work out. We had a great Christmas and New Year, I got a laptop for Christmas from my husband, love it, love it, love it. My uncle passed away on December 21st, my poor mother I worry about her, now she has lost a mother, father, daughter and now a brother, please pray for her. I hate that she has to go through so much, but she trust in the Lord and knows he won't give her anything she can't handle. The kids went back to school today from Christmas break, I go back to work tomorrow, wow time flies so fast these days. Last year I had a read the bible in one year plan and I made it through, it was a nice feeling, this year I am reading the Chronological bible in a year, so far so good. God is Good all the time, all the time God is Good. It's been really cold here for the last week and it's going to stay cold for the next week or so, we might get 2-4" of snow Friday. I'm ready for some real snow. My other uncle is having major surgery in a couple weeks, so all the other aunts and uncles are coming home for it, it will be really nice seeing them all together at one time again. My beautiful 18 year old daughter never ceases to amaze me with her kind/loving heart she is so giving and kind, mommy is so proud of her. Marcus (my 15 year old step son) is growing into a fine young man, he is also very kind and has a very gentle heart even though he doesn't like to show it around his friends, Violet (my 11 year old step daughter)she is so motherly and usually kind to everyone she is a little emotional latley, (she has been missing her mother and it's sad, her mother died when she was like 3), and what can I say about Nathan (my 8 year old step son)he's just crazy but sweet a lot, he is definatly a ladies man, he does love the ladies. My husband Jason is a hard working man and takes care of all of us, he a firewood cutting, car working on, keeping the stove filled with wood, kinda guy, I do love him. Anyway there is a little update, I will try again very soon. God Bless