Thursday, February 25, 2010

What's Up

Good Morning All!  I have been busy getting this blog set up a little better, it's still a work in progress though, so please be patient with me.

I just signed up for blog sneeze, you can get free books to read, just click on the icon at the bottom of this page.  I love to read and now I get to do it for free.

No onto personal business...
I gave up facebook for Lent, it may sound wimpy but it's not for me, it was where I would always go when I was bored, when I should have been feeding my soul with God's word I would play those silly games and catch up on the gossip of my friends.  It hasn't been difficult up until today, I have been a little tempted but I haven't caved yet so I would say that was progress.  I am so excited about this Lent season, and getting my soul ready for Easter.  I think of it as a cleansing process, I get all this junk and dirt built up in my soul (when in reality I should make all year the Lenten season) and then the Lenten season comes and it brings a new passion for the cleansing, it's a wonderful feeling to know that I can always turn to my Lord to get some help with spring cleaning my soul. I just feel giddy and I get butterflies in my stomach when I think of Easter and the wonderful blessing that God has bestowed in my life.  I am off on Good Friday (I work at the church that I attend so it comes with the job) so I plan to watch The Passion of the Christ on that day, it's always a good reminder for me to watch that movie and then I go through a range of emotions, I cry, get angry, smile so on and so on, but I still love it and I will continue to make it a Good Friday tradition for me and my family.

So what did you give up for Lent?  What are some things you want to work on this Lenten season?  I would love to hear from you, so leave a comment.  God Bless and may we enjoy each day of this most precious time of the year!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day and Snow Days

Hello all, I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day with your sweeties.  I got up made my husband breakfast, we exchanged candy and cards then he had to go to work.  We went to church then to Grandma Violet's house for lunch like we do every Sunday, it had snowed again so I had to drive the Big truck, which I am totally NOT comfortable with, you see my car could probably fit in the back of his truck, so, yes it makes me a little nervous to drive his other baby.  We have had so much snow that I can't even get my little car out of our driveway, we live in the country and have a long driveway from the main road.  But all in all we were safe.  We got abut 6" of snow over yesterday to this morning so at about 4:30 am they called off school, again, so today we were at home all day, well I was, husband had to go to work so it was me and all 4 kids in this house all day long, which really wasn't all that bad but we do get cabin fever a little and what can we do with that.  Not sure, but like I said today wasn't all that bad but they have already called school off tomorrow, so by then we will have to have some entertainment or we WILL be going stir crazy.  but anyway today, I made 3 meals, cleaned up the kitchen 3 times did a few loads of laundry and a few other household chores just to pass the time, now I'm tired and ready to go to bed, but that's not going to happen for a few more hours.  But all in all we had a nice Valentine's day and today wasn't bad either, but we will see how well we all fair tomorrow.   I know this has been a rambling post, but I was getting bored so I thought I would write a little something.  Have a great evening and God bless!!!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bible Studies and Snow Days

We have had an unusual amount of snow for our area this year, don't get me wrong I think it is absolutly beautiful and I love when we all get to stay home together and just hang out, but I think I am almost ready for Spring.  However I started a bible study last night of Beth Moore's (it's The Revelation one and it was awesome), I can't wait to go next Monday.  Anywho she asked us to ask God to reveal himself to us in someway everyday and I think He did just that for me today with the snow.  There is something just so peaceful about the snow, especially on crazy days that just brings a sense of peace to my soul.  It's beautiful as well and as I look out my living room window right now, it's snowing very hard, but we have plenty of wood, food and all of us get to spend the day together, so at this moment it's very welcome.  Maybe this is God's way of telling us to slow down, get off the computer (btw our internet connection hasn't been that great for the last few weeks) and just enjoy time together, by talking, cooking, playing in the snow or whatever, so that's just what I intend to do today.  Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fav Five

It's Friday and it's time for FFF.  I did take a couple pictures of my FFF but they didn't turn out so well so I will just list without pictures this week.  For more FFF head on over to

1. Irish Spring Soap - It's not the best for my skin especially in the winter months, but I just love the smell of it and it was on sale so that's the soap we get to use for the next couple weeks.

2.  Almay Foundation, I just love how it makes my skin look so smooth, the coverage is great.

3.  My oldest daughter started clinicals at a local nursing home and she just looked so beautiful in her scrubs.  She wants to be a nurse so this is part of the training.  Momma is so proud of her.

4.  I have been craving, chips, salsa and or queso all week long so I ate it two nights in a row and man was it delish.  I also have been on a Mexican kick this past week so we had Mexican lasagna one night and black bean quessidia (sp?) but everyone but was getting tired of the Mexican theme (the horror I know, how dare they) so I have to switch up the menu for next week.

5.  I was cleaning out underneath my bathroom sink and I found a natural fiber back brush that I had never used and I forgot that I had bought it.  But now it's hanging in my shower and I use it everday I absolutly love it. 

This was a weird week, but that's just how it goes sometimes. 
Have a blessed weekend.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday

It's from October but this is my beautiful girl who had just woken up at the time this picture was taken.  I didn't have my camera with me so I had to pick a picture that was on my computer.
