Friday, November 4, 2011

Jesus Calling

I am reading this daily devotion called Jesus Calling (I downloaded it onto my nook)  by Sarah Young.  It has been amazing just about everyday it feels like it is truly and only speaking to me.  I love it.  I am also in the middle of Angie Smith's new book called What Women Fear, another amazing book, again it feels like she is speaking to me on many levels.

Just thought I would let you know in case you are looking for a few good reads.  Have a blessed weekend!


I have thought about this today and I think I can do my first FFF in a very very long time.  I enjoy reading everybody's FFF, sometimes it's just the little things that make us happy.  Thanks Susan over at

Sorry I only have 1 picture to share with you today.

My oldest daughter got a job, she is so excited so she is working and going to college she does get tired but she is young and she can handle it,  I am so proud of her.

Time to clean my bedroom from top to bottom,  ahhh it feels so nice to sleep in a very clean room.

Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer, got my first bottle, yummy.

Time spent with a friend of mine, she is the mother of 4 young children and she needed some help with cleaning, it's hard to keep up with 4 little children, so I went over to help her.  There seems to be a lot of cleaning favs of mine on here today, I don't really like to clean but it sure seems that way this week doesn't it.

And....drum roll new (new to me car)  yes, we are in the process of getting the title and registration for it so I should be able to drive it soon (hopefully this weekend)

So crazy busy and behind

Hi, it's Michelle, do you remember me?  Sorry, summer is so crazy busy that it's almost impossible for me to keep up with everything, work, kids, 2nd job, cleaning, cooking, gardening, so again sorry.

Well let's start with prom here are some pictures of my daughter at her prom, momma love!!!

Then after that we had 2 graduations (one from her technical school and her high school graduation)

Then the kids were out of school and we started the swim team which practices every night except Fridays, or nights they have meets, so from 7-9 pm I was at the pool, chatting with all the other busy moms.

Then it was vacation time, we went camping for a week one day we were camping we went to a local theme park and it was the hottest day of the year so it was kinds miserable, but we still had fun.  I can't believe I didn't take one single picture of our camping trip.

After camping I had to catch up on some of my work in my personal business, so we have been back for almost a week now and I finally feel like I might be getting caught up on several things.  Now my husband and the boys are getting ready for the 4-H fair where they will spend every day, just about all day taking care of the two steers of our that they will be showing, it's going to be a long hot week, but fun.

So there you have it a brief update as to what we have been doing around here.  Now school starts for the kids in 3 weeks and I have a few Thirty-One parties to do and begin showing off the new Fall/Winter catalog, so with that and getting ready for school, by shopping for supplies and clothes and everything that comes along with that, I imagine I will stay pretty busy.

Oh I forgot to mention that also in the past week we had a lot of family in and spent a lot of time with them, visiting, going to the movies and a big family reunion.  But it was nice to see some of the family I haven't seen in over 20 years.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Plea to Christians… Please read and share.

A Plea to Christians… Please read and share.

One of the blogs I follow, recommended this. I said I was game, how about you? Please read and share. We all need Jesus, no matter, how rich we are, how pretty we are, how many awards or degrees we have. God loves us all.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I know, I know I am so far behind is posting.  I will work on an update with prom, and graduation pictures, soon.  I am getting ready to become a consultant for a wonderful Christian based company called Thirty-One.  I get to start selling on Thursday, and I am so excited, I love this company's belief and love that they base there company on the Proverbs 31 woman. I think it's a very wonderful way to spread my beliefs on the love of Jesus Christ and make some extra money doing what is just plain fun to me.  If you are interested in more information on the company or would like to order something let me know, I should have my own website as soon as Thursday so ordering online would be so easy for those of you who live too far to host a party at your home, catalog parties are a great way to earn some half priced and free stuff as well.  Well God Bless and stay tuned for more regular updates. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Friday Favorites

Oh it's been way too long since I have done a FFF, I am so bad.  Thanks Suzanne for hosting this every week for more FFF fun go to

Well my daughter is a Senior so needless to say I have lots of things to be thankful for.
1.   I will start with her becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant.  She wants to be an RN so this is a perfect place for her to start.  We are so thankful she has had this opportunity,

2.  She got accepted into the college she wanted to go to.   She plans on working through the summer and starting in the fall.  I can't believe I am talking about my baby going to college, it seems like yesterday I was laying in the hospital bed holding her for the first time. 

3. She got a job doing CNA work for one of her teachers grandparents and she gets paid pretty well for a young single lady.  This is the job she will probably work at this summer.

4. I am going to be a Thirty-One consultant. they sell purses, totes, bags, stationary and other cute things every women needs to get organized, I will need to book some shows (catalog or home) so if anyone is interested in hosting a show (catalog or home) in August or later let me know.

5. My husband and I had a wonderful date night last week which started Friday around 3:00 pm and didn't end until Saturday around 11:00 am it was a wonderful night and we really need to start doing date nights more often.

Sorry no pictures, I have been so busy and I was so excited about our date night that I forgot my camera, I can't believe I don't have one single picture of our night, I'm awful.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend.
Good morning!  I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted anything, I feel like such a failure.  Anyhow, life has been pretty busy, I have a Senior, a Sophomore, a 6th grader and a 3rd grader, so yeah life is busy. 

We have been enjoying our new baby cow he is so cute, we should have 3 more born within the next few weeks. 

My husband and I had a date night, we really need to do this more often.  We went out to eat to a Don Williams concert and then stayed at a hotel after the concert, then we went out to breakfast the next morning.  It's nice to spend some one on one time with the hubby.

I have been trying to eat more vegetarian meals and not so much meat so I have tried some new recipes lately that have actually been pretty good. 

I got a Nook for Christmas but actually I haven't even read that much on it only 1 1/2 books, like I said I am pretty busy so I don't have a lot of time to read.

My sister-in-law have been going to a read the Bible in 90 days it's been going pretty well and we are almost finished with it.  Not sure what we will do next but can't wait to find out. 

Our kids only have about 8 weeks of school.  My daughter already has her prom dress, shoes, purse and jewelry all ready to go.  The day of her prom I will take her to get her nails and hair done.  I am trying to enjoy everything with her this year, she will be gone before I know it.

We had some family in from Nebraska for a visit a week or so ago, it was nice and everyone is supposed to try to get back her for a family reunion/decade party in July, it will be nice to have the whole family together. 

The decade party is for a bunch of family members who will all hit a decade mark this year it goes like this:

Mom  70
Uncle 60
Sister 50
Me 40
Nephew 30
Daughter 20
Son 10
Friend new born baby this year
I think we will have a wonderful time.

I went on a field trip with the 3rd grader to the Children's Museum in our state and we had such a great time my sister in law and I want to take the kids back again for a longer visit.  She also bought a season pass to the zoo near our house I think I am going to buy one to so we can take the kids a few times this summer. 

I am still at my goal weight, I have kept it off for over a year now, so I'm pretty happy about that.

I have a big day scheduled this Saturday of shopping and running around with my girls.  I think we will have a blast.

 I know it's a little early but I am already thinking of fun things to do this summer that are relatively cheap or better yet free, got any ideas.  Let me know!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thirty-one Consultant

Well I am going to become a consultant for this wonderful company.  I can't start selling until August, though, bummer, but still excited and getting all the information that I can about the company right now and doing lots of reading and semi-memorizing of the products.  I would greatly appreciate it if I could get some of you to book parties from me, you could do a catalog show for those of you who don't live that close to me or for the closer ones, you could book a home show.  Any hoo, the sell, purses, totes, bags of all different sizes, thermal lunch bags, stationary and much more.  The name Thirty-one comes from the Proverbs 31 woman who works diligently to help provide for her family.  The lady that started this company started sewing bags by hand in her basement and now she has 2 warehouses.  I have had the opportunity to sell many things in the direct sales area but I have never even considered it until I went to a Thirty-one party.  I have never really considered myself a salesperson, I really don't like asking people to buy things, but I believe in this company and what they believe in, and I really do think that their products sells themselves, so many cute patterns to pick from.  Well anyway just wanted to let everyone know about my new amazing, scary, but wonderful at the same time, adventure. 

Have a wonderful weekend!!
