Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry CHRISTmas!!!

I hate to admit it but this year I have been feeling a little bummed about CHRISTmas.  I am usually all go, go, and go but this year I am like, not now, not now, not now, oh shoot just get it over with.  I'm not really a scrooge but this year has not been the best for my family and yes, I know, there are a lot of people way worse off out there than us, but it just seems like one thing after another.  I know I'm being childish, but it's just a phase and I will soon me out of it because I still believe my God is a great big God, a great big God is my God.  So just please keep me and my family in your prayers.  Don't worry, like I said its really not that big of deal,(mostly just me feeling sorry for myself) but when one things keeps happening after another (for the worse) I just get this way.  Anyway, I am still trying to stay in the Spirit of CHRISTmas, not the commercialism of CHRISTmas, so that helps.  I pray that each of you have a very Blessed CHRISTmas and a wonderful new year with all the JOY you can imagine.  God Bless you all and thanks for hanging in there with me, even when I go long periods without blogging.

"The Map" A book review

If you haven't heard of book sneeze you should check it out it give free books to bloggers in exchange for a review.  This is my first book and my review is way over due.

The Map by David Murrow
It's definitely a book for men, it shows a very interesting path that men need to take to become more "Christlike".  It was interesting to me (as a woman) to read through it.  I didn't realize it was a story and a guide but it is interesting and I have never read a book that was written quite like it before.  David Murrow did a wonderful job describing it and I love the way he presented it in this book.  I would definitely recommend it to any man.  He mentions possibly writing one for women if the Lord wants him to and if so I would love to give it a read.  I am going to give this to a male in my life to read I just haven't decided which one yet.