Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My, Oh My

Well, I have failed again, I am trying once more in this hectic thing called life to keep up but apparently my life just isn't that interesting to any one else but myself (Man that hurt.). Anyway I am praying for Mckmama again Stellan in going to Boston for a possible heart ablation, please keep them in your prayers. My in-laws are worrying sick because my husband and I don't want to give our kids the swine flu vaccine. And now, sorry to break it to you, but there is only 51 more shopping days until Christmas. On a lighter note we just got back from a week long vacation camping it was beautiful weather (we were only rained out for 1 day). I have become a huge fan of Ghost Whisperer so when we got back from camping I had 17 episodes to catch up on so I bet you can guess what I have been doing for the last 3 days, (well as much as I could between laundry, cleaning house, grocery store, birthday parties, Halloween and taking care of 5 other people besides myself). Well there you go another boring update, catch you later.
Have another blessed day!

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