Friday, April 30, 2010


Well I think I did better this week with pictures.  I have even kept notes so I wouldn't forget anything for this week.  For more FFF fun head on over to Susanne at Living To Tell The Story  here's my list for this week
My beautiful daughter going to Junior Prom this past Saturday, see post below for a picture, she is so pretty, and this momma is so very proud (I don't think I am being biased, do you? ha)

our cat had her kittens aren't they cute, anyone want one?
I signed up for this

yep, the weight watchers 5k walk it challenge I started training this week, wish me luck, I'm really doing this for exercise for myself but I still get a little 5k charm.

This is the Easter set my mother in law bought me, I have had it for a while but I was looking at it and I thought yeah, I love this it would make a perfect FFF

And finally since I have been on Weight Watchers since September, I don't get treats very often but I did make these dark chocolate brownies and they were so delicious and yes I ate about 5 of them

There you have it know what about you, what are your favorites from this past week?



ellen b. said...

Hi Michelle,
Sorry no kittens for me :0)
I'm doing a 5k this Saturday. It's to raise money and awareness about human trafficking. Hope you have a great weekend...

TXDidi said...

Oh, I SO like the idea of an Easter set. You always see Nativity sets but not Easter ones. It's lovely. congratulations on signing up for the 5K challenge. Right now my challenge is just opening up the door and getting out to walk around the neighborhood, which I really MUST do.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Love the Prom pictures! My son will be going in two weeks. What fun!

The kittens are so sweet...If I lived next door, I'd already have taken one (to my hubby's chagrin).

Dark chocolate brownies? Sounds wonderful!!

Susanne said...

Love the Easter set. I don't think I've seen an Easter set before.

The kittens are adorable. Can't show my daughter or she just might contact you. :v)

Have fun with the 5K. That's a great goal.

Hope your daughter had a lovely time at the prom. And now I'm craving brownies. Hmmm, wonder if I have ingrediants to make some.

Willow said...

I'd love one of those sweet kittens, but--well, I'd be vetoed by the other voting member of the family.

Congrats on signing up for the 5K!

Have a great weekend!