Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fav Five

It's Friday and it's time for FFF.  I did take a couple pictures of my FFF but they didn't turn out so well so I will just list without pictures this week.  For more FFF head on over to

1. Irish Spring Soap - It's not the best for my skin especially in the winter months, but I just love the smell of it and it was on sale so that's the soap we get to use for the next couple weeks.

2.  Almay Foundation, I just love how it makes my skin look so smooth, the coverage is great.

3.  My oldest daughter started clinicals at a local nursing home and she just looked so beautiful in her scrubs.  She wants to be a nurse so this is part of the training.  Momma is so proud of her.

4.  I have been craving, chips, salsa and or queso all week long so I ate it two nights in a row and man was it delish.  I also have been on a Mexican kick this past week so we had Mexican lasagna one night and black bean quessidia (sp?) but everyone but was getting tired of the Mexican theme (the horror I know, how dare they) so I have to switch up the menu for next week.

5.  I was cleaning out underneath my bathroom sink and I found a natural fiber back brush that I had never used and I forgot that I had bought it.  But now it's hanging in my shower and I use it everday I absolutly love it. 

This was a weird week, but that's just how it goes sometimes. 
Have a blessed weekend.



Lisa notes... said...

I love the smell of Irish Spring, too. And you SHOULD be proud of your daughter. Good for her!

Carrie said...

How wonderful to see your daughter working towards fulfilling her dreams. =) That is so awesome!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Susanne said...

Mmmmm, mexican sounds good to me any old time!

I love when I found something I totally forgot about.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Mmmm...Mexican when it's what you crave is the BEST!

And any unexpected find is wonderful. I hope your next week is filled with just as many good things.

Happy weekend!

Michelle said...

thanks for all your comments

Faith said...

I LOVE the smell of Irish reminds me of my dad! but i break out if i use it :(
How awesome about your daughter.
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