Friday, January 8, 2010

Five Friday Favorites

I have never done a FFF before, in fact my blog isn't much of anything yet, but what better way to start the year with trying something new (fff) and improving something older (my blog).
My Five Friday Favorites are as follows:

1. A nice quiet day to myself on Monday, it was the first day back to school for the kids and my last day off work, it was a nice leisurely day of Face book, coffee in my favorite winter mug, movies and I did throw a little laundry in there as well.

2. Diet Swiss Miss Hot Coco, since it's cold and I'm watching my weight it came in real handy more than once this week.

3. It's been really cold here for about 2 weeks and this week we had bitter cold and snow my mother bought me these incredibly warm pj's for Christmas and they are good to lounge around in to. They are fleece and thick and so very comfortable. Don't they look heavenly?

4. The snow. We finally got a measurable amount of snow for around here, about 5". Isn't it pretty.

5. And finally on one of the very cold nights we got in our hot tub. It sounds crazy I know but it's nice when you are in, but not so much when you get out. Good thing it's only about 3 ft from our back door.

There you have it I gave it a try, let's see how it goes. It's not as exciting as some others I have seen, but hey, I'm a blogging beginner.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

If you would like to see more FFF visit,
If I didn't do this right would someone please let me know?



Robin Lambright said...

Welcome to Friday Fav Five

I play along ever once and a while myself.

We got a very slight bit of snow here where I am last night, but being down south any kind of snow is a big deal.

Happy Friday

ellen b. said...

Your fave fives are great! How great to have a day off alone. Those jammies really do look so comfortable. Don't slip when you run back into the house from the hot tub!! :0)

Marg said...

Congratulations on your first attempt. We've all been there and just the other day I was reminding myself of my very first blog...I just chuckled.
Enjoy the snow. I love it.
The hot tub sounds great.

Susanne said...

Hi and welcome to FFF! Glad you jumped right in for the new year.

That sounds like a perfect Monday to me!

I've never had Swiss Miss Cocoa. I don't think we get it here. But I love Loand o'Lakes cocoa.

Hot tubs are sorta fun in the winter. Nice and toasty.

Willow said...

Hi! Welcome to Fave Five! Your photos of the snow make me feel so cold since I live in a place where the temperature was in the 60s today. I think I'd enjoy the hot tub, though...

My dd lives just 'east' of you in Ohio and I know she's had ALOT of snow and cold weather. Stay warm in those pjs!

Have a happy weekend!

Michelle said...

it was great fun for me to do this for the first time, I hope to do many,many more in the future. Thanks for all of your comments. I was nervous about this blog at first, but I think it will get better as I go along.
God Bless and have a great weekend!!!