Friday, April 30, 2010


Well I think I did better this week with pictures.  I have even kept notes so I wouldn't forget anything for this week.  For more FFF fun head on over to Susanne at Living To Tell The Story  here's my list for this week
My beautiful daughter going to Junior Prom this past Saturday, see post below for a picture, she is so pretty, and this momma is so very proud (I don't think I am being biased, do you? ha)

our cat had her kittens aren't they cute, anyone want one?
I signed up for this

yep, the weight watchers 5k walk it challenge I started training this week, wish me luck, I'm really doing this for exercise for myself but I still get a little 5k charm.

This is the Easter set my mother in law bought me, I have had it for a while but I was looking at it and I thought yeah, I love this it would make a perfect FFF

And finally since I have been on Weight Watchers since September, I don't get treats very often but I did make these dark chocolate brownies and they were so delicious and yes I ate about 5 of them

There you have it know what about you, what are your favorites from this past week?


Sunday, April 25, 2010

A sweet memory and prom pictures

I just can't believe my daughter has gone to prom.  It's amazing as she was getting into the car to go I had a vivid memory of putting her in her car seat once when she was about 2 years old in a little cute red strawberry outfit, oh how time flies, I wish she were still 2 sometimes, but God has wonderful plans for her I know. 

Here is my beautiful girl before prom
Here is another picture of her and I before prom

Friday, April 23, 2010

Five Friday Favorites

It's been a long time since I have done one of these I guess because I haven't been taking many pictures lately and for some reason I feel like I should have pics for these things, but not this week I don't have pictures for everything but here are mine, thank you Susanne at for hosting this every week.

The beautiful spring like weather we have been having, it's sunny and warm during the day and cooler and night but not too cool that I can sleep with the windows open, love it.

I finally met my goal weight watchers so now I am a free lifetime member, yahoo!!

Our purple martins have finally came back we have about 20 now we love to hear and watch everyday and the hummingbirds should be here soon.

I kept my nephew Saturday night to Sunday and took him to church with me and he was awesome, I forgot to download a picture of him but just let me say he will be 2 next month and he is so very cute and sweet, love him, love him , just love him.

And finally this actually happened 2 weeks ago this Sunday, but our first baby calf was born on our farm he is so cute.
Sorry it's so blurry, but believe me he is cute.
There you have it my Favorites from the past week or so. Thanks for visiting.


Want to win an ice cream maker

That's right, this blog is giving away 2 chances to win an ice cream maker, go on over and check it out and tell her I sent ya.

Hello, Again

I have been terrible with keeping this blog up lately, sorry again. There just really hasn't been much going to talk about. The uncle I have been asking for prayer for passed away last evening, please keep our family in your prayers, it was expected but still sad for our selfish selves, but great for him for now he is in the arms of our Heavenly Father. My husband was out of town for a few days and this week has been super slow, whew I am glad it's Friday. My daughter is a junior in High School and is going to prom tomorrow night I will post pictures of her as soon as possible. I am a little nervous about fixing her hair, you see I have to use rollers and I'm not very good at it but we pulled up some information on the internet and we found a step by step guide to a style that she really likes so hopefully we can wing it. I can't believe she is going to prom. This one is not that big of a deal for her so she just borrowed a dress and is letting me do her hair and makeup, but she has informed me that next year for Senior prom she wants a new dress and her makeup and hair done professionally, and I'm ok with that, she sure deserves it she is something special just let me tell ya, do you think I am a little biased? I am getting ready to work on some FFF's from Suzanna's blog so get ready.