Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Win a HP touchsmart computer

I know it's been a long time since I blogged but I wanted to let you know that if you would like a chance to win an HP touchsmart computer, head on over to for more details. I did!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Arguments between Pastor & staff

Do you have any? Arguments between Pastor & staff at your church that it. I just witnessed one and they make me very uncomfortable. Just wondering if it happens often in other churches. It seems to happen here a lot. I understand you will have disagreements but I just wish we could all get along all the time, I know it's impossible and arguments really help a relationship grow, in a sense, but I'm a peacemaker and I don't like witnessing them at all. You would think I would be over my people pleasing flaw by now but it's still there, even though I try to not let it control me more now than I used to. So let me know do you have any?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My, Oh My

Well, I have failed again, I am trying once more in this hectic thing called life to keep up but apparently my life just isn't that interesting to any one else but myself (Man that hurt.). Anyway I am praying for Mckmama again Stellan in going to Boston for a possible heart ablation, please keep them in your prayers. My in-laws are worrying sick because my husband and I don't want to give our kids the swine flu vaccine. And now, sorry to break it to you, but there is only 51 more shopping days until Christmas. On a lighter note we just got back from a week long vacation camping it was beautiful weather (we were only rained out for 1 day). I have become a huge fan of Ghost Whisperer so when we got back from camping I had 17 episodes to catch up on so I bet you can guess what I have been doing for the last 3 days, (well as much as I could between laundry, cleaning house, grocery store, birthday parties, Halloween and taking care of 5 other people besides myself). Well there you go another boring update, catch you later.
Have another blessed day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend (or would it be Non-Labor Day Weekend)

I had a good weekend of doing pretty much nothing. We had company yesterday, we ate, then watched a movie, then it was time for them to leave. My hardworking husband had to work his regular job this weekend plus he has been working hard on adding on to our barn, so he worked pretty hard. God loves him and so do I. Anyway, how was your weekend, did you find God's Grace in anything? I can find it everyday, if only I look for it. Have a wonderful day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone!

Don't pass out or anything, I know 2 days in a row will put some people in complete shock. I just wanted to wish everyone a very nice long holiday weekend. We don't have any special plans but we will stay busy none the less. We have Girl Scouts, grocery shopping, house cleaning, church and then off to hang out with some friends on Monday. So what are your plans for the Labor Day Weekend? I would love to hear about them.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Here I am again, very random post

I am not doing a very good job keeping this blog up. I guess I spend too much time on Facebook. Pretty much the same ole, same ole. School has started again along with much of the kids activities so I am staying pretty busy. I have caught up with some very old friends lately. We are enjoying this great weather we have been having here, other than the ferocious storm that blew through here today. The other night, it was in the 50's we had the windows open, the moon was beautiful the sky was clear and we could still smell the burning coals of the fire we had earlier in the day, it was a wonderful gift from God. I think I slept better that night than I had in a long time, so content, so peaceful. I love it when it feels like all is right with the World if it's only for a short time. I am going to get my lazy self moving and get some pictures on this blog soon. Until next time sweet friends. God Bless!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello Again

Hey there it's me again. I had a great weekend. My mother came to stay and took us to the movie and out to eat. God Bless her we don't get to do this much because with a family of 6 it is too expensive. We also had our youth bake sale/car wash and we did pretty well so we will be going to a popular amuzement park next month for 3 days. My oldest had an eye exam Saturday and yes her prescription did change a little bit so now she wants to try to contact lens route, pray for her. The boys went on an overnight fishing/camping trip and it was just us girls at home, it was so nice and quiet and clean for longer than 5 minutes. I love our boys but is it just me or are they much messier/dirtier than girls? Well until the next update (I will try not be so boring) have a blessed week.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Tying this again


I have been gone for a long time, I get too busy reading all the other blogs I follow daily and neglect my own. Oh well I can always try again.

Well let's see, school is out now, I think I am as happy as all the kids because I don't have to be mean/strict mommy in the evenings it's much more relaxed. We also just got 2 kittens yesterday, Jason found them where he works under a stack of sheet metal, they are adorable. I am trying to learn more about this blog thing so mine can look as good as some othere that I follow and I would love to have contests and give away prizes, like Mckmama does on her blog. I will get some pictures of the kittens and put them on here. Our youth group is having a bake sale/car wash tomorrow morning at 9:00 am come by if you are in the Elizabeth, Indiana area. Well I know this has been all over the place but I must try to do better but for now I am signing off to read some of the other blogs that I follow. God bless and I will write again soon. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's been going on!

Well it's been awhile but I wanted to come by and say Hi! I am the leader for our Senior High Youth Group at The Lighthouse United Methodist Church in Elizabeth, IN and we had our "True Love Waits Purity Ball" this past Friday. I have to say it was awsome we had 17 of our kids pledge their purity until they enter a Biblical marriage. It was an emotional expeirience for some and it was a whole lot of fun. I will have to ge some pictures downloaded for you to see so be on the lookout.

Sorry this blog is a little boring but I am just getting started and I'm really not totally sure on what to do with it so I am checking all of my options. God Bless and have a wonderful day!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Smile it's a new year!

Just wanted to write something today because I am going to try to improve my blog this year. I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I have so much time off from work it was hard to get back into routine. I loved the food, presents and the family time but my most favorite part was taking the time to just remember my Savior and just to be still and try to listen to him. I don't do resolutions for the new year because I only fail at them every time I call them a a resolution, so here are a couple of things I want to do this year: Read the entire Bible , I have a reading plan and it doesn't seem overwhelming so if you would like a copy of it leave me a comment and I will get one for you as soon as possible. You only read 25 days out of the month so you have a few days for catch up if you need to, but again it seems really simple so far.
Next thing is to take my vitamins every day (again so far so good) and mostly I want to get closer to my God and spend more time with him every day. God Bless and here's to a wonderful new year for you and yours.